Thursday, March 5, 2009

Online shopping

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is online shopping safe? Is it efficient? Personally , I think that online shopping is not safe at all as people could use your information to do illegal things or use the money. This happen when people sign up in the website, thinking that there might be no harm. But in actual fact, alot of things is happening RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!!! You should be more aware of the websites you visit and do not let down your guard when you see something that is on a special offer. Do not reveal information to websites you are not familiar with. But online shopping is very efficient as you can buy or book the items you want a lot first before other people buy from shops. This could also save time.
I got the inspiration to write about this when i listen to the 'News in Class' in school today. :P


Darren Wong

You're right. Online buying is never safe unless you know the seller INSIDE OUT. Even then, there is a small chance that you may be scammed as it may say that he is your cousin who is currently overseas but he may in fact be another person, masquerading as your cousin. Some links that say things like"Click here to get free...." or "You are the 999th person to visit this website" and many more are in fact 99% of the time links that bring you to a page where they try to make you buy a product or it may even release a virus into your computer.

Kang Le

It is DEFINITELY unsafe to shop online. I understand that credit card and paypal numbers and pins are information submitted when shopping online. If a spyware hapens to be in your computer, it can easily be saved and used by the person who created the spyware, thus, resulting in various transactions being made without you being aware about it at all! There've been countless cases of online shoppers being such victims. Don't be the next! Becareful the next time you decide on entering your visa or credit card number and submitting it via the internet. Nothing is safe.


I personally believe that it is pretty safe to shop online, as I myself have purchased numerous items via the internet. However, when purchasing objects from unknown sellers or sellers without previous record of successful sales, then one should exercise precaution when doing so, and should try to read reviews before purchasing from minor online shops or items that do not allow refunds. With this, I wish to conclude that although online shopping is safe, one must be vigilant and be cautious.

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