Thursday, July 2, 2009


Thursday, July 2, 2009 1
Many of us have heard the word lottery and many of our parents would have played the lottery. Lottery is cheap as we could have a ticket for just one or two dollar. However, this allows people to get addicted to buying lottery as it is cheap. But when they keep losing, they would keep betting as they would want to win back all their money but this small amount will become a big amount. It is not a serious problem though. The serious one is where one wins the lottery. One would continue betting as they would think that lottery is a easy way of earning more money. Also, one is greedy and do not has limit to their self-satisfaction. Once they strike the lottery, they will strike it another time, that what most people think. However, it ended up with the person losing money and wanting to make a comback, he bet more money and ended losing more. He then would not have enough money to support his gambling habit and borrow the money from his family. He may also neglect about his family members and throw his temper at them when he loses the lottery. I still remember a advertisement on anti-gambling, the link is

It shows a father borrowing money from his child by saying that his luck has changed and he would win back all the money. The child however was not willing as she had lent money to her father once and had never get it back. She was in fear as she knew that the money might not come back to her. In conclusion, I condemn lottery as it harms one's mind and destryo one's lives.
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